Frequently Asked Question

+ Can I use home remedies like yeast, raw meat, or buttermilk to clean my septic tank?

While buttermilk and raw meat will provide your system with some additional bacteria, yeast is a fungus, not bacteria. The bacteria in your septic tank should be replenished every 3- 6 weeks Because raw meat and buttermilk add minimal amounts of bacteria compared to the size of your tank, you would need to use them daily to keep the bacteria levels high enough to clean and operate a healthy septic tank. This becomes very costly.

+ If I have surface water or an odor from time to time, should I be worried?

Anytime you experience odors or surface water there is cause for concern, Even though the issues are going away from time to time, consider them warning signs that your system is failing. The bacteria in your septic tank needs to be replenished. Nip this problem in the butt before the problems get worse or stop going away. By using BIOCLEAN's Affordable Septic Tank Cleaning Pods as directed , you can eliminate clogs, back-ups, odors, and surface water.

+ Does it matter what we put n our septic tank if we are using a septic tank cleaner? ie; Cotton swabs, Sanitary Napkins, Grease, Cigarette Butts.

Even if you are maintaining your septic system the right way, with a septic tank cleaning product ever 3-6 weeks , you MUST continue to monitor and avoid disposing of any product that is not organic or labeled septic safe. Disposing of anything else can destroy the biological digestion within your tank and cause you to need more frequent cleaning.

+ Can I clean my septic tank with Bleach?

Simply put : Bleach will kill healthy bacteria. By choosing a septic tank cleaner with a high bacteria and enzyme count, like BIOCLEAN's Affordable Septic Tank Cleaning Pods and by limiting the amount of bleach and how often you use it; you CAN use bleach. The best way to protect your system is to use the best septic treatment within 48 hours of using the bleach.

+ I have a large septic tank, do I still need to use cleaning treatment in it?

It doesn't matter how large your septic tank is. If you are not getting the proper bacteria and enzyme action, your system will fail eventually. You should always maintain your septic system with a septic tank treatment product that contains bacteria and enzymes, to boost the natural decomposition of waste in your tank.

+ I have a holding tank. Is that the same as a septic tank?

There is a difference between a holding tank and a SEPTIC SYSTEM. A septic system is system of parts working as one. It has a septic tank as well as a drain field from where the water can then leach out into the earth. Septic Systems were not designed to be pumped out so choosing a natural septic tank treatment will ensure that your system continues to work properly. On the other hand a holding tank is simply a tank that needs to be pumped out. However maintaining a holding tank with a natural bacterial additive is very important because it will protect the drains and lines in your home.

+ What if the town makes me pump out my septic tank?

Unfortunately when you pump out your septic system the ecological cycle is disrupted. The lines going to your septic tank and your leaching field are in jeopardy because the healthy bacteria are removed from the middle of this cycle, leaving the front and back ends of the system affected. If your municipality passes laws requiring you to pump out your septic tank, using a septic tank product containing bacteria and enzymes will but your system back in balance.

+ Should I pump my septic tank?

No. Septic Systems are designed to work off natural bacteria and enzymes. It was not designed to be pumped out. Pumping-out your septic tank disrupts this process causing your lines and drain field to dry up and causes your lines to become narrow and ultimately clog. Unless your municipality requires you to pump-out your tank, choosing a septic tank product that will aid in the natural decomposition of waste, is the best way to ensure your septic system operates properly.

+ How often should I pump my septic tank system?

A holding tank should be pumped when it is full. A septic tank system should never be pumped. When a town ordinance is in place, requiring you to pump out your tank, it is usually every 2-3 years. Otherwise, if you are start to experience issues: surface water, odors, back-ups, or clogs immediately use a septic tank cleaner and avoid issues before they get any worse.

+ Is all septic tank cleaning bacteria the same?

No, all septic tank bacteria is not the same. What you should look for when choosing a septic tank cleaning product is the count of bacteria. Also look for the the count of bacteria and the strands of bacteria, which is how much the bacteria will grow. The life cycle of the bacteria is important because the longer the bacteria lives its chance of reaching the drain field (the back end of your septic system) is increased. The draining field is the most expensive part of your system to repair or replace. Choose a product fortified with enzymes that will speed up the bacteria growth.

+ How much should bacteria for septic tanks cost?

Unfortunately there are companies that can charge upwards of $10 a month while other companies offer deals that are too good to be true, literally. Prices vary depending on where and how you purchase your product. Prices are definitely higher if you make your purchase at a retail store on a month to month basis, However if you choose to buy online or in bulk you can save money. The national average for septic tank cleaning bacteria is about $10 a month. Although it is important to look at product ingredients, and bacteria counts to make sure you choose a good product, septic maintenance should be affordable. A reasonable price to pay is between $4- $7.

+ How much do septic tank repairs cost?

Septic tank pump-outs can cost anywhere from $100 - $500 on a national average. Drain line repairs can cost from $75-300. The most expensive to repair or replace is your drain field which can cost up into the thousands of dollars. Making sure you have a good bacterial additive that will survive in your drain fields can potentially save you thousands of dollars.

+ How do tree roots affect my septic tank system?

Be skeptical of someone telling you that tree roots are causing clogs in your drain field lines. There is no sure way to tell if tree roots are the actual problem so before spending money to remove trees, use a septic tank cleaner with bacteria and enzymes once a week to eliminate possible clogs or to decompose the sludge congealed on top of the roots. 8 times out of 10, the problem will be eliminated with the use of a product, However if a reputable product doesn’t work, then tree roots may actually be the problem.

+ If I am already experiencing septic tank problems, what would be the best way to handle the situation?

Of course depending on how soon you notice the problem and how severe the problems are, you should hold off on calling a plumber, Problems like surface water, back-ups, clogs, and odors can usually be eliminated by using a natural bacterial additive for septic tanks. If using a product once a week as directed doesn't work, then call a plumber or septic tank expert.

+Should I maintain my septic system with bacteria even if I'm not having a problem?

Yes. Many people can go many years without a septic problem. Experts strongly agree that you should maintain your system properly with a septic tank treatment product. " An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." A product containing bacteria and enzymes that will prevent major issues with your system, is much more affordable than repairs that can cost up to thousands of dollars.

+Can I put too much bacteria in my system where it will stop up my system?

No. Bacteria are living organisms that live in your system and should go into to your system to break down waste and bad / harmful bacteria. More than anything it is wasteful to use extra septic tank bacteria that will do its job and then die. Some products that contain fillers can be harmful. Products that contain only bacteria and enzymes will not harm your system if you use more than directed.

+Are store bought septic tank cleaners as good as the rest available on the market?

No. Products sent to retailers are usually diluted with fillers and prices are higher because you are dealing with a middle man. When you deal directly with the manufacturer , you get a stronger product at wholesale prices. Usually manufacturers will back there product with a satisfaction guarantee.

+Do you recommend purchasing septic tank products online?

Yes, however buyer beware. Make sure you are buying from a reputable company. Look for product guarantees, and companies willing to divulge their bacteria count for the product. A reputable manufacturer will allow customers to take there product and become familiar and comfortable before expecting money. Also make sure you are able to return the product if you are not satisfied with it.

+Why do I need to use something in my septic tank system to keep it clean?

Your septic tank needs to use natural bacteria / enzymes to break down the waste on a monthly basis. If not, you are letting the wrong type of bacteria fill your tank and putting you at risk for an overflow and costly pump out. By using a septic tank treatment product like BIOCLEAN's Affordable Septic Tank Cleaning Pods .

+How often Should I use the BIOCLEAN's Affordable Septic Tank Cleaning Pods Treatment Product?

You should plan to use your Septic Tank Treatment solution every 3-6 weeks. Many customers find a balance to this monthly, but others prefer to do it more frequently at every 3 weeks. In any case the main thing is doing it and preventing a problem with your septic tank in the future.

+When choosing a septic tank cleaner, does it matter what kind of septic tank system I have?

No, it doesn't matter what type of septic tank you have, from aeration filtration, mound systems, as long as it's a septic system and not a holding tank then you need to use a Septic Tank Treatment / Cleaning product. Just make sure you use a bacteria product like BIOCLEAN's Easy to Use Septic Tank Cleaning Pods to clean your tank on a consistent basis.

+Can I use a septic treatment in my cesspool?

Yes, A cesspool can be treated, its in the ground as a upside down cone and is an open hole, sometimes has a cover on it or even a barn over the top. You should maintain it because excessive solids build-up and clogging in the soil pores can cause a failure in the natural filtering of the cesspool in the area surrounding the cesspool if not maintained.

+Can I plant over my drain field and septic tank?

Yes, Landscapes are very common over the drain field and septic tank, grass would be the ideal thing to plant, its not the only thing you can plant either. You want to keep in mind that it needs to be shallow rooted plants; like groundcovers, ferns, and wildflowers, they will not damage your lines. You want low maintenance plants and plants that doesn't require a lot of water.